Negotiate and Speak with Power!

Attention, Women Leaders!! Karen Laos and I are cooking up something big for you! đź‘Ź We are joining forces to bring you a 3-month mastermind, "Negotiate and Speak with Power," beginning on June 16. Interact with your leadership peers in hospitality who have similar goals in an intimate environment. The group will be limited to 8... Continue Reading →

Stephen King on Addiction

I am reading “Stephen King On Writing,” a part memoir and lessons for writers. While I cherish the lessons on writing, his definition of addiction is too good to pass up. His addictions were many; however, regardless of the addiction, you will find the core of the pull is the same. About his alcohol addiction:“How... Continue Reading →

Born for Independent Resilience

How do you build resilience? In my case, I was born with it. It was a trait woven within my DNA to be strengthened like a muscle throughout my life. This is a tale of a girl that started her life in a single-wide roach-infested trailer and is telling her story from the c-suite of... Continue Reading →

Is College Worth it?

Here we are; the question has made it to the Sunday Evening News. During the broadcast of NBC Nightly News, the topic of college requirements in the workplace was featured. The segment highlighted governments and companies that are waiving degree requirements to apply for jobs. Here are some of the additional points worth sharing: Pennsylvania's... Continue Reading →

March Forth!

Moving forward, marching forth, are you moving in the right direction? It is March Fourth, and I ask you, how are you Marching Forth? What a great message to kick us back into gear as we have likely abandoned New Year’s Resolutions. I have found myself amid several conversations in the last week, including the... Continue Reading →

Tell Me What To Do

Let's face it, we all want to know what to do. What is the expectation? We spend the first 18 years of our lives begrudging bossy parents telling us what to do at every turn. Brush your teeth, make your bed, and eat your vegetables. It is maddening. I hear my kids remind their Dad... Continue Reading →

It’s All in the Balance

We hear more about balance than ever before. Balancing work, the hours, the demands, and the stress. Balancing life, our health, our families, and checkbooks. Most of the advice you find on balance is in advice on the things you can "do" to get it. These lists are helpful to get our balance back; however, how far have we... Continue Reading →

Eat, Pray, and hope to Love

Photo by Pixabay on Like a page out of a book or, at the very least, a very finely crafted itinerary, I was off to the annual girl's trip with great expectations. I was ready for a break. I was "crispy" in all aspects of my life. I thought maybe some time away would... Continue Reading →

Use Your Voice

You have a voice; how you use it decides if you will lose it. Do you speak up…too much, or not enough? Our decisions in every moment of when we use our voice, how we use our voice, or if we use our voice ultimately decide if we will be heard.  It is essential to... Continue Reading →

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